The Subconscious Contains Our Unused Potentials and Our Blockages

The subconscious contains within it our unused potentials, as well as the personal blockages that keep us stuck in the various problem areas of our life. I sometimes refer to these as our light and dark shadows. The word shadow is a Jungian term and refers to those parts of us that are unconscious. Being unconscious, we do not see them, but we often see their effects in our life, that is we don’t see what causes the shadow, but we see the effect. […]

Invoking Synchronicity

Carl Jung, the brilliant and innovative protégé of Freud, coined the word “synchronicity.” Synchronicity, to Jung, referred to the strange and unusual encounters or events that happen to individuals which appear on the surface to have no causal linkage, and yet have such a profound meaning to the individual that the event was unlikely to be the result of mere chance. They happen to all of us, and usually we explain them away as being luck or coincidence, […]

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